
Real Estate Development/Transactions

Our Team regularly assists agribusiness clients with legal issues related to development of former agricultural lands.

We have extensive experience in dealing with a broad range of issues that arise in the development process, including impact fees, concurrency, endangered species, wetlands, infrastructure construction and development permitting. In addition, we assist clients with the purchase and sale of real property, including all related contract and financing issues.

Negotiation and Preparation of Leases and Contracts

Our lawyers represent both landlords and tenants in commercial leasing transactions. We assist our clients with preparation of lease forms, drafting and negotiation of leases and resolution of lease disputes. We also assist clients in reviewing, drafting and negotiating all types of contracts that are specific to agribusiness application, including:

  • Short-term leases of property designated ultimately for development, but otherwise available for agricultural use.
  • Single-owner leasing of multiple property parcels for different types of farming or other agriculture-related use.
  • Structuring rental terms at flat or variable rates.
Secured Lending Negotiation and Documentation

Our Team has extensive experience in commercial finance and regularly represents borrowers throughout the state. We structure a variety of commercial lending transactions including agribusiness loans, real estate development loans and asset-based loans, and we handle all related negotiation and documentation. In today’s economic environment and credit market conditions, agribusiness clients benefit from Dean Mead’s extensive experience in loan workouts and restructurings. As part of that work, we also advise on landlord and tenant bankruptcies. We also represent parties in foreclosures and receiverships.

Land Use and Zoning Representation

Our Team has significant experience in both routine, as well as high-profile, leading-edge land use matters. We regularly handle obtaining local government approvals, such as comprehensive plan changes, developments of regional impact, rezonings, variances, special exceptions, conditional uses and planned developments in a variety of situations and jurisdictions including assuring the continuing operation of agricultural businesses under right to farm laws. When agricultural land is targeted for reassessment (including as part of structuring a development project), we work closely with counties and other levels of government to defend your interests and resolve land valuation disputes. And if development-of-regional-impact (DRI) proceedings are required, Dean Mead has exceptional capabilities in handling all aspects of project creation and approval.