For Business Owners

Working together to help your business succeed at every stage of ownership, from acquisition, management, growth and succession … to everything in between.

Helping Business Owners Achieve Success

Your business can use every advantage it can get. Working together with our team means working with a personable, responsive, knowledgeable and connected team, who knows what it takes to get things done, the value of getting things done quickly and getting it right.

We’ve been addressing concerns and helping clients realize value from their businesses throughout Florida for 40 years, including buying and selling, taxes and audits, owner or third-party disputes, employee concerns, retirement, succession and more.

  • How do I know if selling is the smart move and whether all my interests are covered?

  • What’s the best way to remedy a conflict or dispute with my business partner?

  • How do I ensure my business is protected and how do I know what contracts I need?

  • How do I know if I have the correct tax structure?

  • How do I set up my business for succession?

  • Business Litigation

  • Corporate

  • Estate and Succession Planning

  • Labor and Employment

  • Intellectual Property

  • Tax

When things get complex, Dean Mead is responsive and expedient regardless of the issue."

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Our Team Approach

We meet the needs of our clients by leveraging the strength of our team. Each of our attorneys’ skillsets and expertise vary greatly, from personal needs, like a comprehensive estate plan, to corporate structuring and tax planning. Combining our experience and resources together as a team allows us to serve our clients more completely, with greater depth, throughout every stage of the business owner experience.

Dean Mead has done a terrific job for us … Having attorneys with extensive experience in many areas relevant to our business is also a plus.”

Let's Work Together

We would love to talk with you about how we may assist you. However, please know that contacting us through this page does not establish an attorney-client relationship; no attorney-client relationship will be established until you and we agree to representation. You should not send us any confidential information through contact from this page or until requested by the attorney, and we will not treat any information you choose to provide as confidential.